Letter from the Executive Director
Dear ICU alumni & friends,
Greetings from the ICU campus. As you may have seen, I moved to Mitaka with my family over the summer to live and work at ICU for one year. Working on campus for the past several months has deepened my knowledge of ICU and relationships with faculty, staff and students. I have given guest lectures and held a grant writing workshop for students, hosted several alumni visitors on campus, spoke at two alumni functions, organized a book launch, held one on one meetings with numerous faculty members, and provided guidance to several students on their educational and career paths. Everyone at ICU has been extremely gracious and welcoming, and for the first time I feel like I, and as an extension JICUF, am truly part of ICU.
This is a year of celebration and transition. JICUF is celebrating our 70th Anniversary, and ICU is on the brink of selecting a new President to succeed President Junko Hibiya in April 2020. Although change can be unnerving and challenging, it can also be exciting and present new opportunities. ICU was established as a University of Tomorrow, and its mission is to prepare students to creatively respond to humanity’s biggest challenges. It is in this spirit that JICUF must also contemplate our own future. While working at ICU for this year, one of my key objectives is to do just that. I look forward to sharing more with you as our plans crystallize.
As you will see in this Annual Report, JICUF supported many exciting projects during the 2018-19 fiscal year (April 2018 – March 2019). I hope you take a few minutes to read the articles and financial report below. I would like to end my letter by thanking our donors for your generosity. Your support enables us to make an ever-stronger impact at ICU, and please remember that 100% of the donations we receive go directly to programs that JICUF supports at ICU.
I hope each of you enjoys a pleasant autumn.
Paul Hastings
March 2019
JICUF Grantee Highlight: Education Program in Peru
In fall 2018, fourth-year student at ICU Kazuna Yamamoto (CLA ‘19) received ¥510,000 through the JICUF Grants Initiative for her project, “Educate For ICU Ambassador Program.” This past March, Kazuna brought 4 ICU students and 2 non-ICU students to organize, conduct, and facilitate educational STEM and English workshops in 3 schools in Trujillo, Peru.
February 2019
JICUF Grantee Highlight: Wheelchair Basketball Workshop
On February 20th (Wednesday) and 22nd (Friday), 2019, Ms. Mina Takanashi, Instructor in ICU’s Health and Physical Education Program, hosted a Wheelchair Basketball Workshop in the V Gym at ICU. This was the second “parasport event” organized at ICU, the first being the Blind Soccer Workshop organized by Instructor Hiroshi Yamauchi last January.
December 2018 ~ February 2019
JICUF Grantee Highlight: “Nihongo de Itadakimasu” Event
Last December, JICUF Student Activity Fund recipient and ICU student Akiyo Sasaki and co-organizers Machi Niiya, Ayumi Murase, Rio Kokuta, and Shimon Hibi began the “Nihongo de Itadakimasu: Cultural Exchange through Japanese Language and Food” project. The aim of the project was to promote intercultural communication by inviting ICU students of all Japanese levels to mingle with each other and learn about Japanese culture.
December 2018
JICUF and UNHCR Japan Co-host Symposium on Supporting Refugees in Higher Education
On December 1st and 2nd, 2018, JICUF and UNHCR Japan co-hosted a symposium at the International House of Japan in Tokyo entitled “Supporting Refugees in Higher Education: Japanese Models and Next Steps.” Close to 80 participants including representatives of Japanese universities, NPOs and government agencies participated to discuss existing programs for supporting refugee students and to explore ways to strengthen collaboration among institutions.
July 2018
JICUF Hosts Global Link Summer Program for ICU Students
In July, JICUF welcomed twelve ICU undergraduate students for our Global Link summer program. During the four weeks, from July 5th to 27th, the students were exposed to global careers in New York City and Washington, D.C. Calling on the wide network of ICU alumni and friends in both cities, JICUF organized office visits, professional roundtables, networking events, volunteer activities and professional skills workshops. The activities aimed to inspire the students as they contemplate their future career paths.
Financial Report from FY2018-19
JICUF provided the following support to ICU between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019.
Financial Support for Campus Facilities
- Othmer Library/ Global House – $472,289.46
- New Dorms Campaign – $50,050
- Seabury Chapel Fund – $500
- Taizanso – $125
- New Physical Education Facilities Fund – $100
Total Support for Campus Facilities – $523,064.46
Financial Support for Students
- Peace Bell Scholarship – $105,200
- Support for International Scholarships – $40,000
- Norman Sun and Ruth Q. Sun Fund for Chinese Students – $20,427.21
- Fujimoto Peace Bell Scholarship – $20,000
- Student Travel Grants – $14,054.24
- Student Activity Grants – $12,507.65
- James C. Caraher Scholarship Fund – $11,618.44
- Warnhuis Fund – $9,056.15
- Support for ICU HS Students Participation in International Summer Programs – $5,000
- General Scholarship Support – $3,724.81
- Horie Takamatsu and Koh Endowed Scholarship – $2,000
- Jessie M. Bader Asian Scholarship Fund for Asian Students – $641.29
Total Support for Students – $244,229.79
Financial Support for Faculty
- Faculty Program Grants – $35,747.03
- UBCHEA Endowment Fund for Christian Professors from China – $10,015.74
- Visiting Scholars Fund – $1,192.63
Total Support for Faculty – $46,955.40
Peace Bell Scholarship: $125,200
Campus Facilities: $50,150
General Unrestricted Contributions: $38,811.99
JICUF Global Scholarships: $8,525
Study Abroad Scholarship: $3,400
Syrian Scholars Initiative: $3,180
Global Link China: $2,000
United States Scholars Initiative: $1,875
Scholarships: $1,000
Seabury Chapel Fund: $500
Education & Research Fund: $400
Exchange Student Scholarship: $400
Library: $300
ICU Church: $200
Taizanso: $125
Total Contributions to JICUF: $236,166.99
Donations received from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019
$10,000 and above
Atsuko & Akira Fujimoto, Fumiko & Yukihiko Sasaki
$2,000 – $5,000
David Chan, Benjamin & June Duke, Violet Kuroki, Yasuyuki & Judy Owada, Scott Pardee, Masako Shinn, Weimin Yuan
$1,000 – $1,999
Elizabeth Conant, Machi Fukuyama Dilworth, Danny Ha, Noriko Iwase, Elizabeth Landerholm, Kazuko & Chad Love, Iqbal Mamdani, Yoshiro Matsuo, Fusae & Yuzuru Nara, Shozo Noda, Takeshi Ueshima, George & May Wang
$500 – $999
Masako & Jeff Carpenter, Koaki Harris, Paul Hastings & Debbie Wissel, Fred & Eleanor Honaman, Shoji Kent Ikeda, Nakako Memon, Peter & Amy Prahar, David & Zenora Rackham, Atsuko Rasic, Delores & Jon Roeder, Yasuyo Satoh, John Coventry Smith, Jr., Kiyoshi Terasawa, Kenichiro & Miya Yamada
$200 – $499
Satomi Bol, William Clark, Mikiko Davis, Lisa & Charles Dent, Lois Geeslin, Mitsuhiro & Kaede Kaneda, David Hart, Yoshikuni Igarashi, Hiroaki Iizawa, Helene Keran, Yasuko Moyer, Ryo Nakamura, Mina Nishimura, Mieko Peek, Mary & Bruce Rigdon, David P. L. Sachs, Lona Sato, George & Etsuko Schulenberg, Haruko Shino, Yuko Sugiyama Lynch, Roy & Ute Tellini, Kurt Tong & Mika Marumoto, Junko Usuba, Anne Goodsell Van der Karr, Hiroko Matsushima Williams, Emma Lee Yu, Anonymous
$100 – $199
Donald Anderson, Yuko Aoyama, Satomi Ban, Carolyn Bellanti, Elizabeth Bryant, Po-chuen & Lillian Chan, Kenneth & Eloise Dale, Joan Ericson, Dorothy Goldman, Shizuko Kitagawa, Brian Y. Kubo, Robert Hing Keung Kwan, Margery Mayer, Samuel Nukazawa, Kiyo Okazaki, Kazumi & Robert Pestka, Stanley Reedy, Susan Schmidt, Debra Shorrock, Brian Szepkouski, Dorothy G. Thomason, Jinx Tong, Lawrence & Joanna Tsuyuki, Deborah & David Walsh, Kazue Watlington, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Ann Ota, Elsie Zob
Below $100
Carl & Marie Bade, Paul & Helen Baumgartner, Regis & Marilyn Birckbichler, Ayako Cone, Carmen Dagnino, Keita Ebisu, Mark Flanigan, Shozo Fukuhara, Dorothy Gibbs, Thomas & Carol Hastings, David Impastato, III, Doris Kersten, Paul Kidder, Shirley Kondo, Shinobu Kusakabe, Lee Makela, Nozomi Michiki Morgan, Tsuyoshi Ohyama, Elizabeth Siano, Bruce Stafford, Hiroko Tsuchiya, Joan Uht, Tomoko Winn, Louise & Laurence Woodruff
Corporations, organizations & memorial funds
Adobe, Alice Davis Trust, April Manzinger Fund, Chevron Humankind Program, Elrick Williams Memorial Fund, J.U. & Hazel Simmons Scholarship Fund, Mitsui & Co. (U. S. A.), Inc., Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Dr. Hachiro Yuasa Society
The Dr. Hachiro Yuasa Society was formed to recognize those thoughtful graduates and friends who make an estate gift or other form of deferred gift to the Japan ICU Foundation.
Tamiko & Harvey Anderson
Jean Ando
Hatsuya Azumi
Arthur & Danita Bauer
Ray & Hazel Bayley
Thomas Benson
Emily Clifford Jackson
Benjamin & June Duke
Joan Ericson
Atsuko & Akira Fujimoto
Margaret Garrison
Fred & Eleanor Honaman
Shinobu Kusakabe
Douglas Melick
Hiroshi & Ikuko Mizukami
Nancy Mulford
Yasuyuki & Judy Owada
John Pearson
David Pittle
Peter & Amy Prahar
Delores & Jon Roeder
Shyanne & Kurt Roeloffs
Hallam Shorrock
Lin & David Vikner
Louise & Laurence Woodruff
The Taizanso Society honors donors who have made cumulative contributions to the Japan ICU Foundation totaling more than $100,000.
Henry Berman
Atsuko & Akira Fujimoto
Donald & Mildred Topp Othmer
Fumiko & Yukihiko Sasaki
Thank you to all of those who generously supported our work this past year. We rely on the ongoing support of ICU’s alumni and friend community in North America. The donations listed here were received between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch.