JICUF Executive Director to Work at ICU for a Year

JICUF Executive Director Paul Hastings will be moving to Mitaka this summer with his family to live and work at ICU for one year. ICU will be providing Paul with an office on campus and he and his family will live in a faculty house.
For 70 years, JICUF and ICU have worked in close partnership. In all of this time, JICUF has never had a sustained staff presence on campus. In recent years, the relationship has deepened as JICUF has become engaged in managing and providing financial support for numerous programs at ICU. Spending one year at ICU will be a unique opportunity to develop a closer working relationship with colleagues at ICU, gain a deeper knowledge of ICU, raise awareness about JICUF on campus and explore innovative ways to fulfill our shared mission.
Paul will be providing regular updates from campus, so please keep an eye out for those!