Two New Trustees Join the JICUF Board
On April 1st, two new trustees joined the JICU Board: Danny Ha and Susan Schmidt.
ICU Student Hikari Okada Shares His Volunteer Experience in Tohoku
JICUF has been supporting Team Asunaro’s volunteer activities in the Tohoku Region through our faculty grant program. Professor Etsuko Kato (anthropology) recruits ICU students to participate in recovery efforts in Tohoku organized by Team Asunaro, a group founded by four friends immediately after the devastating earthquake of 2011. Hikari Okada, a sophomore student at ICU, participated in one such trip from March 16th to 18th and shared his experience.
2018 Global Link China Participants Share Their Experiences
From March 7th to 20th, Professor Stephen Nagy led a group of six ICU students on the 2018 Global Link China (GL China) program. Previously known as the Japan-China Young Leaders Development Project, GL China offers ICU students the opportunity to foster a deeper understanding of Sino-Japanese relations through direct interaction between youth in Japan and China.
JICUF Participates in Harumatsuri at UNIS
On March 19th, JICUF staff participated in the Harumatsuri (Spring Festival) organized by the Northeast Council of Japanese Teachers (NECTJ) at the United Nations International School (UNIS). Through hosting a “Chopsticks Challenge,” we introduced ICU and our U.S. Scholars Initiative to NYC metro area high school students studying Japanese.
Update on the U.S. Scholars Initiative (USSI) and Syrian Scholars Initiative (SSI)
We are thrilled to announce that two Syrian Scholars Initiative (SSI) and two United States Scholars Initiative (USSI) recipients have been accepted by ICU and plan to matriculate in September 2018!
Alumni Stories No. 5 – Drs. Ikuko and Hiroshi Mizukami
Drs. Ikuko and Hiroshi Mizukami were in the first class at ICU. They currently reside in Southern California and continue to be actively involved in the alumni association there. We asked them to look back at their time at ICU. The Mizukamis co-wrote the article below, and shared some valuable photos from the 1950s.
First JICUF Undergraduate Research Day Held at ICU on February 24th
The first JICUF Undergraduate Research Day was held at ICU on February 24th. 45 senior students presented posters featuring their research. Associate Professor of Linguistics Seunghun Lee organized this event with funding from JICUF.
Alumni Stories No.4 – Ms. Motoko Shimizu
This month we introduce you to Ms. Motoko Shimizu, head of the Washington D.C. chapter of the alumni association. Described as the “treasure” of the D.C. alumni community by one alum, she selflessly takes it upon herself to plan alumni events and act as a bridge between the D.C. area and the staff of ICU and JICUF.
JICUF Staff Visit ICU in Early February
JICUF Executive Director Paul Hastings and Program Manager Fernando Rojas visited ICU in the first week of February. Here is a report from Paul Hastings.
Blind Soccer Workshop Held at ICU
On January 26th, Mr. Hiroshi Yamauchi, Instructor in the Physical Education Department at ICU, held a Blind Soccer Workshop on the campus. Blind soccer is an inclusive sport in which sighted players are blindfolded and play alongside blind or visually impaired players. Mr. Yamauchi received a JICUF grant last year to organize this event.